Life is all about sweet and sour experiences!

  • Lost and Found: The Comedy of My Cluttered Desk!

    Lost and Found: The Comedy of My Cluttered Desk!

    Welcome to the chronicles of my cluttered desk, where the hunt for lost pens and sticky notes has become a never-ending adventure. Amidst the disarray of scattered papers and a myriad of office supplies, I find myself in a constant battle to locate the essentials. The frustration of rummaging through the chaos, only to come…

  • Sleep: The Essential Restorative Process for Optimal Health

    Sleep: The Essential Restorative Process for Optimal Health

    Unlocking the power of restorative sleep is the key to optimizing your health and well-being. Discover the science behind sleep, from the stages and cycles to the influence of circadian rhythms. Explore the myriad benefits of quality sleep, from bolstering your immune system and improving cardiovascular health to enhancing cognitive function and managing stress. Gain…

  • The Power of Being Mindful: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Daily Life

    The Power of Being Mindful: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Daily Life

    In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos, causing stress and anxiety to build up, leading to negative impacts on our mental and physical well-being. However, mindfulness can offer a powerful solution to combat these challenges. Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the present moment,…

  • 🎭 Emojis: The New Language of the Digital Age 🎭

    🎭 Emojis: The New Language of the Digital Age 🎭

    Emojis have become an integral part of our daily communication and culture. From expressing amusement and affection to conveying complex emotions, emojis are used as a shorthand for what words can’t always express. Did you know that the most popular emoji used by Twitter users is the crying laughing face, which is sent over 3…

  • Unplug and Recharge: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Mental Health with Social Media Detox.

    Unplug and Recharge: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Mental Health with Social Media Detox.

    Social media can be a powerful tool to connect us with the world, but it can also have a negative impact on our mental health. Platforms often reward users with instant gratification in the form of likes and comments, creating an addictive cycle of dependency where they constantly check for positive feedback. To avoid the…

  • The Evolution of Health Care in the Last 10 Years: Changes and Challenges

    The Evolution of Health Care in the Last 10 Years: Changes and Challenges

    Introduction The past decade has seen tremendous changes and developments in the world of health care. From new technologies and medical advancements to changes in health care systems and policies, the landscape of health care has shifted significantly. It is important to track these changes and identify the challenges and opportunities that come with them…

  • Melatonin and its Health Benefits: What You Need to Know

    Melatonin and its Health Benefits: What You Need to Know

    Melatonin is a powerful hormone that plays an important role in maintaining optimal health and wellness. By taking a daily dose of melatonin supplements, you can experience improved well-being with benefits such as boosting your immune system function, reducing inflammation and stress levels. However, it’s important to consult your doctor before taking any supplements to…

  • Slogan on COVID 19 and the middle class of India

    Slogan on COVID 19 and the middle class of India

    This pandemic and its lockdowns taught us many lessons. We did not knew about it, never prepared ourselves. Our lives were so beautiful in the securities of jobs, good schools, good colleges, music and dance classes, art and craft trainings, in pizza huts, in cocktail parties, in movie theatres, in parks and picnics, in tours…

  • Covid 19 and the foresights of Lederberg and Tagore:

    Covid 19 and the foresights of Lederberg and Tagore:

    The desires of human hearts are many and can be realised in isolation. When we are hustling through the daily routine work to manifest our skills to the world, we often forget that life is more beautiful than the accumulated wealth. There are plenty of mountains and oceans to explore, huge forest lands and wildliife,…

  • 6 ways-Manage your finance during and post pandemic

    6 ways-Manage your finance during and post pandemic

    If we say that we are witnessing nightmare, then it is an understatement. We are just going through hell. Who imagined that all the savings of lifetime will be siphoned off by an unseen enemy with a very short notice? Yes, Many people had not only lost money but also their dear ones. Hence, it…

  • The valueless society and its fall out.

    The valueless society and its fall out.

    The societal transformation which came alongwith the changed thought processes has now spreaded its wings to accomodate all irrespective of their social or economical status. The moral values found places in dust bins as well as the the political values have also changed significantly. Did we reached the bottom?? Or still more to come??

  • BPO Work From Home- adopt the new normal

    BPO Work From Home- adopt the new normal

    Change is the only constant and let us all adopt the change to set the new normal. Work from home has become the new normal which the employees and the employers have adopted for last one year.

  • The Departure of a Noble Soul.

    The Departure of a Noble Soul.

    Dr. M.S. Biradar is an example of humbleness, kindness and humanity. The doctor with passion to serve his patients during this pandemic set an example of noble thoughts. Being a Vice Chancellor of Medical University he treated patients.

  • Life during pandemic essay- hypochondriac

    Life during pandemic essay- hypochondriac

    The worrisome condition all around us during pandemic is making people psychologically down- Tensions among citizens are piling up.

  • India’s Challenge-Life or Livelihood?

    India’s Challenge-Life or Livelihood?

    India’s Challenge-Life or Livelihood A total lock down can save the Indians. Let the people get vaccines during lock down, let more number of hospitals are arranged with oxygen cylinders. With lives survived, India will be able to shine again.

  • The Traumatic Time of India

    The Traumatic Time of India

    Traumatic meaning in hindi is “something painful which leaves a deep wound”. COVID 19 pandemic situation can be relate with this word. The second wave of COVID 19 has attacked India very aggressively. The virus has become more infectious as it is attacking the children also. Every other household is having COVID patients, either admitted…

  • Trace contaminants in our environment

    Trace contaminants in our environment

    Trace contaminants in our environment create health hazards, awareness among people is needed. Hence, this blog post will help to generate environmental protection awareness.

  • Holiday’s Ruminations

    Holiday’s Ruminations

    feel happy by celebrating festivals

  • 15 points resolutions for 2021

    15 points resolutions for 2021

    Life is short. Live it following your resolutions of life. feel satisfied when you leave this world.

  • Enjoy life with positivity

    Enjoy life with positivity

    In this chaotic world everyone feels the stress. Some tips are given to reduce stress with positivity

  • Does Hi-Tech cause Hi-Stress?

    Does Hi-Tech cause Hi-Stress?

    Going high tech obviously causes high stressful life as most of the professionals are now forced to work for more hours than usual, there is no definite time to unplug. This problem must be addressed by the employers and the stakeholders of the society.

  • Turmeric and Covid 19

    Turmeric and Covid 19

    How to grow your immunity? Know by reading this article. Fight against covid 19.

  • The year 2020

    The year 2020

    Life is a journey of never-ending discovery. Everyday comes with a new surprise or a new experience. We cope up with the new beginnings, new ideas or new style of living. The year 2020 is such a year which forced us to adopt the new living style. We are forced to stay indoor, almost the…

  • Act on the  lessons taught by Covid-19: Sooner is the better.

    Act on the lessons taught by Covid-19: Sooner is the better.

    Women education and empowrment are need of the hour.

  • Death- Unbearable truth

    Death- Unbearable truth

    Death is a mystery, unavoidable. How about if it knocks your door before arriving? The uncertainty of death is much more painful, unbearable. How to come out of this predicament of life?

  • Restructure Society

    Restructure Society

    It is the time we think about the changing human behaviour, work in the direction to uplift the mental health of each person to develop a beautiful world worth living. Please start working.

  • The woes of migrant laborers

    The woes of migrant laborers

    The human civilization is passing through the worst kind of crisis. The war against an unseen enemy is never easy to win. If we look back and search in History, we can see only once, maybe, we suffered like this during Spanish flu in 1918 and which lasted almost for two years. Now it is…

  • Love yourself- Pandemic lessons

    Love yourself- Pandemic lessons

    “Ask no questions and you will be told no lies ” as said by Charles Dickens. How true is this quote in this present era? I just wonder hoe the genius predict the things well ahead of time! Its hardly 50 years now that I came to this world and grew up. Always taught honesty…

  • Happy Mother’s Day ??

    Happy Mother’s Day ??

    In India, thousands of migrant labourers are walking to reach their home amidst the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. The social media is flooded with the video clippings, pictures and the news of deaths of the labourers in different places due to different circumstances. The horrifying news making us speechless, the tears in the…

  • COVID 19- my morning thoughts

    COVID 19- my morning thoughts

    We always claimed that we have progressed. We are invincible, so was searching for life in other planets. We were talking about space tourism. We were so busy to forget our own children, parents, friends and family. Children longed for the parents love but parents were busy in their own work. Or, children didn’t make…

  • Spend these Quarantine days wisely.

    Spend these Quarantine days wisely.

    Never knew what quarantine is. Never needed to be quarantined. How astonishing the time is for all of us. Mankind, everyone was too busy to find any time to mingle with others, too busy to visit family, friends, needy poor. Too busy people were working for the well being of mankind! too busy a man…

  • How women can stay safe- few tips.

    This morning woke up with the news of a police encounter where all the four rapists of a  veterinary doctor were killed by the police. I felt happy and along with me many citizens heaved a sigh of relief. Many questioned the act of police too. May be the incident is questionable but at the…

  • Stop rape!Ways to grow Healthy Minds- Societal Responsibilities.

    Stop rape!Ways to grow Healthy Minds- Societal Responsibilities.

    The incidents of violence against women in India, nowadays has crossed the limit of tolerance and patience. The recent rape cases reported in media are highly disturbing as the age of the victims falls in the range of 7-32. All most all age girls are reported to be raped by many men. Are these reports…

  • The Importance of research in Higher Educational Institutions

    The Importance of research in Higher Educational Institutions

    If we try to understand the history of evolution of human civilization then we will must have to come across the innumerable number of discoveries and inventions responsible for providing us an exemplary comfortable lifestyle. This glamorous modern era is actually a transition of human life from Stone Age to a scientific age. Had it…

  • Become an entrepreneur by recycling- 10 simple ways

    Become an entrepreneur by recycling- 10 simple ways

    Recycling means  making new products from old/used products. Instead of throwing away the used articles into the dustbin, a new product can be made by applying various innovative ideas. Recycling can also be turned into a business to create wealth. Adopting  a lifestyle inclusive of recycling will be enduring for the environment, for this planet…

  • Solid Waste Management -Landfills

    Solid Waste Management -Landfills

    What are wastes? Substances or objects which are disposed of or are intended to be disposed of or are required to be disposed of by the provisions of the law. Disposal Means- Any operation which may lead to resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct reuse or alternative uses. Classifications of wastes according to their origin and…

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day

    Protect the mother of all mothers- the planet Earth. Respect her abundance and beauty. Respect her clam and patience. It is our utmost duty to see that the destruction stops, more and more people join the drive of saving the climate and the planet. Let us take a pledge today to initiate a cultural change…

  • Solid Wastes-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

    Solid Wastes-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

    “Practice Zero waste living” is the buzz word now and I am into it. My interest is shooting up day by day and taking me to a new exciting level of life. Reading about environmental protection is opening a new window every day. It can be about protecting the air we breathe or the water we…

  • Stop Wasting Food-5 simple ways

    Stop Wasting Food-5 simple ways

    My day starts in the kitchen and ends in the kitchen. Cooking food, thinking about food, feeding the hungry family members and self is an everyday affair. Naturally, I have to have to go to the market, retail stores, malls to collect the varieties of food my family consumes every day. Recently, my small city…

  • Ozone -Good Up High, Bad Nearby

    Ozone -Good Up High, Bad Nearby

    OZONE: Ozone is a colourless gas made up of three oxygen atoms. Ozone is not emitted directly into the air but is formed through chemical reactions between natural and man-made emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight. These gaseous compounds mix in the ambient, or outdoor air, and when they…

  • Air Pollution – Solutions

    Air Pollution – Solutions

                                The environment will continue to deteriorate                                 until pollution practices are abandoned.                             …

  • Air Pollution-II. Particulate Matter

    Air Pollution-II. Particulate Matter

    PM stands for particulate matter (also called particle pollution): It is the sum of all solid particles and liquid droplets found suspended in the air. These complex mixtures include both organic ( mainly natural hydrocarbons and synthetic organic compounds) and inorganic particles( usually heavy metal elements like lead and mercury and other toxic non-HC compounds), dust,…

  • Three years of blogging

    Three years of blogging

    Cheers for Three years !! I survived in the blogger’s world and that’s a great feeling for me. My blogging started as I wanted a platform to share my feeling about life’s happenings, wanted to do some experimentation with the likes and dislikes of people, wanted to know about other bloggers too. I didn’t have…

  • Air Pollution-I

    Air Pollution-I

    Air pollution is a change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristic of air that causes adverse effects on humans and other organisms. The ultimate result is a change in the natural environment and/or ecosystem. The substances that are responsible for causing air pollution are called air pollutants. These air pollutants can be either natural…

  • The climate Injustice– The British Youth is Thinking Ahead

    The climate Injustice– The British Youth is Thinking Ahead

    We have inherited a system which fuels the climate crisis that is threatening our future. We have done little to contribute to climate change, and yet we are going to suffer the consequences of it. Equally, the poorest children on Earth are nowadays suffering the worst impacts of a climate crisis that has been fuelled…

  • Lessons to learn from Christ Church and Colombo

    Lessons to learn from Christ Church and Colombo

    “A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone else”………Billy Graham Probably the most important positive activities of our life are to raise our children properly- in a disciplined manner and with age-old values;  failing which, the child may grow into a demotivated and disorganised aimless…

  • Lessons of life.

    Lessons of life.

    What I realized about living life- Late realizations:   If you have external beauty and money, you will be popular and  even your haters will start following you.    Nobody cares about anybody. The  people you think are important for your life may not attend your funeral. Your parents are the only people who genuinely…

  • Practice Peace

  • Why we cry if death is the truth?

    Why we cry if death is the truth?

    Whenever someone dies, we cry at the loss of that person. It is the personal attachment with that particular person, the wonderful times of life spent with that person, the times we were dependent on that very person, the person who advised which we listened to, the person who loved us. The reason why we…

  • The youth-trustees of posterity

    The youth-trustees of posterity

    Nation-building refers to the process of structuring a national identity using the power of the state. Nation-building refers to the process of engaging all citizens in the development of the nation.  It aims at uniting the citizens of the nation so that it remains politically stable and viable. Nation building is a task which is…

  • Shopping in a mall

    Where would you go on a shopping spree? Shopping is a crazy thing to do. Every now and then, I need something to buy, be it a food item, cooking ingredient, writing materials, grocery, medicines, or fashionable items. So, stores vary according to my needs. I love to go to a mall where everything is…

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